
Curved Glass

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Curved Glass

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The process of manufacturing curved glass consists in positioning the flat glass on a mould (whose dimensions, radius and developed, H is suitable for the desired shape), then heated in a high temperature furnace. The mold can be concave or convex. The glass under its own gravitation will marry the shape of the mold, then it is "annealed" slowly to eliminate any constraint. The resulting glasses can be in: puffed, puffed, tempered, annealed, bulged, bulged in double glazing, or mounted in insulating glazing, with drilling and HST treatment. The components used can be float glass, extra-light, tinted in the mass, or diaper glasses, printed…


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Noise pollution can be problematic in any environment. Ensuring high-level acoustic insulation, SC laminated glass offers the same protection as the safety glass, but also absorbs sounds.

This performance, it owes it to a special acoustic PVB coating which makes barrier to the noises passing through a glazing, for example between a noisy external environment and a quiet room inside a building.

The higher the sound insulation of the glazing, the greater the comfort level, which has a positive impact on well-being and health.

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  • Living safely
  • Protect Yourself from noise
  • Protecting yourself from the sun
  • Protecting yourself from the cold
  • Preserving privacy
  • Reduce maintenance

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  • Interior bulkheads, doors, windows, facades, noise-resistant walls
  • Residential (apartments, houses) or non-residential (offices, hospitals, stations, airports…)

Ces verres peuvent être travaillés comme un verre feuilleté traditionnel (découpe, façonnage, assemblage en vitrage isolant). Assemblés en vitrage isolant, ils permettent de combiner, en plus du confort acoustique et de la sécurité, des fonctions d'isolation thermique renforcée, de contrôle solaire ou encore de facilité d'entretien. [/vc_column_text] [/qode_advanced_tab]

Télécharger le fiche technique de la Feuillette a isolation acoustique ou feuilleté sound control (sc) 2017. Pour toute information supplémentaire n’hésiter pas a nous contacter en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous.


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